
Understanding and managing heat stress during hot weather
Not only summers are warmer, but their shape has evolved, with alternating phases of variable temperature and periods of high humidity.

Heat stress in farm animals: nutritional issues and solutions
Heat stress represents a major challenge for livestock, affecting their wellbeing and productivity significantly. When temperatures rise, animals seek to regulate their body temperature by reducing their food intake, resulting in a series of complex physiological responses. These responses include alterations in breathing patterns, blood gas imbalances and reduced blood flow to essential organs, thereby contributing to heat removal.

Heat stress has a major impact on young ruminants
The effects of heat stress on adult ruminants are now well known. More and more scientific research is now focusing on the impact of heat stress on young ruminants, and in particular on replacement dairy heifers.

Summer 2023 Review: Increasingly Polymorphous Summers
The year 2023 was marked by one of the hottest summers in recent years. Unprecedented record temperatures all over the world. Despite an impression of gloomy weather in some countries such as France, the trend of increasingly hot summer is confirmed. The risk period has increased to 4 to 5 months in temperate climates and 7 to 8 months in subtropical climates. Let’s review in more details.

A successful trial with ThermoPlus published in the Journal of Dairy Science
CCPA Group conducted a trial with the Volcani Center in Israel to demonstrate the effectiveness of Thermo®Plus on dairy cows. The results were published in the Journal of Dairy Science by Pr. Maya Zachut and her team.

CCPA Group supports the livestock sector in South America around heat stress management
Heat stress is present in most Latin American countries, however this year it has become a priority problem for farmers, due to how hard it has affected the productivity of animals recently.

Southern Hemisphere gets ready for an unusual summer
The Southern Hemisphere is emerging from some of their hottest winter temperatures on record and bracing for even more heat as the warmer seasons begin.

Thermo® products honoured at the EAAP Congress
The Scientific Community of the CCPA Group was present in force at the EAAP 2023 congress! Thermo® products were the subjects of two publications in ruminants and swine.

Heat waves sweep across Northern Hemisphere
The last July, the thermometer has reached unprecedent level in Europe, the United States and parts of Asia. What about the impact on livestock’s health and performance?

A successful Thermo® roadshow in South Africa
Taking advantage of winter to prepare the coming summer season in South Africa, CCPA Group promoted the Thermo® range along with its distributor, Biofarm, to numerous actors of the livestock industry across the country.

Heat stress: What do breeders think about it?
A survey of representative dairy farmers (66% in conventional, 34% in the mark of quality sector, 27kg of milk per day on average) spread throughout France (Agrinova 2022) made it possible to identify expectations and developments for the next 5 years.

Record temperatures in 2022: a risky summer 2023 ahead
Global warming is more than a reality. The latest IPCC report has shown that the objective of a warming of 1.5°C maximum cannot be achieved. The temperatures of 2022 are the best example of this.

Nutega highlights Thermo® products at FIGAN 2023
FIGAN 2023 was last month, a major event for NUTEGA, the CCPA’s affiliate in Spain which successfully promoted there the Thermo® brand.

Heat stress in ruminants livestock: how to limit heat stress in summer
Heat stress is a common problem for ruminants, including dairy cows, suckler cows, cattle, calves, etc. It is caused by high temperatures during the summer months, which can have a negative impact on their health and well-being. In this article, we will look at the effects of heat stress on ruminants and how to limit its consequences.

On New Year’s Day, Europe already breaks heat records
Exceptional warm temperatures have been recorded on the 1st of January 2023, worthy as some experts said to a “spring day in April”. Sign than global warming is more than a reality, the experts are already expecting a summer hotter than the last one.

Heat stress and behaviour: the latest scientific results from Deltavit presented at JRA
Several of our Research & Innovation projects on nutrition and heat stress were presented at the 14th Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras held on 9 and 10 March in Tours.

ThermoTour: our teams on the ground to promote the Thermo® range
Embark on the Thermo®Tour, our annual pre-launch tour for the Thermo® campaign! The CCPA Group teams took part in various actions on the ground. The objective? To promote the Thermo® range to our customers and prospects.

Thermo® Solutions: The Latest User Feedback
Every year, Thermo® solutions of CCPA Group are used in the field or tested on new farms. This edition includes some of the feedback on these solutions during the year 2021.

Leaky gut: a consequence of heat stress to be taken into account
During heat episodes, blood is diverted to the skin to eliminate internal heat. As a result, the intestines are less irrigated and the cells less oxygenated. The junctions between the cells loosen, which can allow certain germs and toxins to enter the bloodstream. The absorption of nutrients is reduced. All this greatly deteriorates the comfort of the animals by causing oxidative stress and inflammation. This syndrome is known as “leaky gut”.

InnoFeed podcast: our experts speak out on heat stress
At the end of 2021, two CCPA Group employees were invited to take part in the InnoFeed podcast, the podcast that interviews the players in the animal feed industry in a 20 to 40 minute format. Bernard Gozlan, expert in feed ingredient specialities and host of the podcast, welcomed two of our CCPA Product Managers, Anne-Sophie Valable (Monogastric Product Manager) and Jean Pascard (Ruminants Product Manager), to discuss one of the key topics of the moment: the impact of heat stress in animal production.

Thermo® News #1: Raw Materials on the rise?
In a context of rising feed raw materials prices, investing in nutrition during hot weather is profitable strategy.

CCPA held its first scientific forum on Scutellaria baïcalensis and Curcuma in poultry
In February, CCPA scientific forum gathered scientists from its Research and Innovation department along with academic researchers from all around the world. More than 120 poultry industry specialists attended. The event addressed the effect of the association between Scutellaria baïcalensis and Curcuma in broilers and laying hens.

A successful trial with ThermoPlus published in the Journal of Dairy Science
CCPA Group conducted a trial with the Volcani Center in Israel to demonstrate the effectiveness of Thermo®Plus on dairy cows. The results were published in the Journal of Dairy Science by Pr. Maya Zachut and her team.

Understanding and managing heat stress during hot weather
Not only summers are warmer, but their shape has evolved, with alternating phases of variable temperature and periods of high humidity.

Heat stress in farm animals: nutritional issues and solutions
Heat stress represents a major challenge for livestock, affecting their wellbeing and productivity significantly. When temperatures rise, animals seek to regulate their body temperature by reducing their food intake, resulting in a series of complex physiological responses. These responses include alterations in breathing patterns, blood gas imbalances and reduced blood flow to essential organs, thereby contributing to heat removal.

Summer 2023 Review: Increasingly Polymorphous Summers
The year 2023 was marked by one of the hottest summers in recent years. Unprecedented record temperatures all over the world. Despite an impression of gloomy weather in some countries such as France, the trend of increasingly hot summer is confirmed. The risk period has increased to 4 to 5 months in temperate climates and 7 to 8 months in subtropical climates. Let’s review in more details.

CCPA Group supports the livestock sector in South America around heat stress management
Heat stress is present in most Latin American countries, however this year it has become a priority problem for farmers, due to how hard it has affected the productivity of animals recently.

Southern Hemisphere gets ready for an unusual summer
The Southern Hemisphere is emerging from some of their hottest winter temperatures on record and bracing for even more heat as the warmer seasons begin.

Thermo® products honoured at the EAAP Congress
The Scientific Community of the CCPA Group was present in force at the EAAP 2023 congress! Thermo® products were the subjects of two publications in ruminants and swine.

Heat waves sweep across Northern Hemisphere
The last July, the thermometer has reached unprecedent level in Europe, the United States and parts of Asia. What about the impact on livestock’s health and performance?

Understanding and managing heat stress during hot weather
Not only summers are warmer, but their shape has evolved, with alternating phases of variable temperature and periods of high humidity.

Heat stress in farm animals: nutritional issues and solutions
Heat stress represents a major challenge for livestock, affecting their wellbeing and productivity significantly. When temperatures rise, animals seek to regulate their body temperature by reducing their food intake, resulting in a series of complex physiological responses. These responses include alterations in breathing patterns, blood gas imbalances and reduced blood flow to essential organs, thereby contributing to heat removal.

Summer 2023 Review: Increasingly Polymorphous Summers
The year 2023 was marked by one of the hottest summers in recent years. Unprecedented record temperatures all over the world. Despite an impression of gloomy weather in some countries such as France, the trend of increasingly hot summer is confirmed. The risk period has increased to 4 to 5 months in temperate climates and 7 to 8 months in subtropical climates. Let’s review in more details.

CCPA Group supports the livestock sector in South America around heat stress management
Heat stress is present in most Latin American countries, however this year it has become a priority problem for farmers, due to how hard it has affected the productivity of animals recently.

Southern Hemisphere gets ready for an unusual summer
The Southern Hemisphere is emerging from some of their hottest winter temperatures on record and bracing for even more heat as the warmer seasons begin.

Heat waves sweep across Northern Hemisphere
The last July, the thermometer has reached unprecedent level in Europe, the United States and parts of Asia. What about the impact on livestock’s health and performance?

A successful Thermo® roadshow in South Africa
Taking advantage of winter to prepare the coming summer season in South Africa, CCPA Group promoted the Thermo® range along with its distributor, Biofarm, to numerous actors of the livestock industry across the country.

Understanding and managing heat stress during hot weather
Not only summers are warmer, but their shape has evolved, with alternating phases of variable temperature and periods of high humidity.

Heat stress in farm animals: nutritional issues and solutions
Heat stress represents a major challenge for livestock, affecting their wellbeing and productivity significantly. When temperatures rise, animals seek to regulate their body temperature by reducing their food intake, resulting in a series of complex physiological responses. These responses include alterations in breathing patterns, blood gas imbalances and reduced blood flow to essential organs, thereby contributing to heat removal.

Heat stress has a major impact on young ruminants
The effects of heat stress on adult ruminants are now well known. More and more scientific research is now focusing on the impact of heat stress on young ruminants, and in particular on replacement dairy heifers.

Summer 2023 Review: Increasingly Polymorphous Summers
The year 2023 was marked by one of the hottest summers in recent years. Unprecedented record temperatures all over the world. Despite an impression of gloomy weather in some countries such as France, the trend of increasingly hot summer is confirmed. The risk period has increased to 4 to 5 months in temperate climates and 7 to 8 months in subtropical climates. Let’s review in more details.

A successful trial with ThermoPlus published in the Journal of Dairy Science
CCPA Group conducted a trial with the Volcani Center in Israel to demonstrate the effectiveness of Thermo®Plus on dairy cows. The results were published in the Journal of Dairy Science by Pr. Maya Zachut and her team.

CCPA Group supports the livestock sector in South America around heat stress management
Heat stress is present in most Latin American countries, however this year it has become a priority problem for farmers, due to how hard it has affected the productivity of animals recently.

Southern Hemisphere gets ready for an unusual summer
The Southern Hemisphere is emerging from some of their hottest winter temperatures on record and bracing for even more heat as the warmer seasons begin.