Global warming is more than a reality. The latest IPCC report has shown that the objective of a warming of 1.5°C maximum cannot be achieved. The temperatures of 2022 are the best example of this.
Climate: 2022 shatters all records
Earth has recorded its 8 hottest consecutive years. In Europe, Summer 2022 was the hottest ever observed. The summer of 2023 should continue on this same trend, if not worse. With the end of the La Niña phenomenon, meteorologists predict higher temperatures.

(Reference period 1991-2020; Data ERA5; Credit C3S/ECMWF)
Thermo®Plan accurately analyzes the level of thermic risk
The Thermo®Plan internal tool, developed by the CCPA Group, makes it possible to analyze precisely and locally the level of exposure to heat stress of animals on the basis of historological meteorological data. Its update with 2022 temperatures highlighted that animals in Italy are under heat stress conditions 96% of the time in July and August. This risk increased by 1.5% by integrating the 2022 data compared to the 2018-2021 period.

READ MORE. The THI, weather condition evaluation criterion
Thermo® nutritional solutions to cope
The use of Thermo® nutritional solutions makes it possible to support the thermal comfort of animals and their performance in the event of high temperatures. These solutions guarantee high profitability for breeders. You will find below the improvements in zootechnical performance under heat stress conditions linked to the use of CCPA’s Thermo® solutions.

Thermo® solutions have thus enabled economic gains during these various trials, including by transposing the results in the context of tension on prices currently observed. The calculations presented here do not take into account other benefits such as reproduction, quality of products which can be also altered in hot weather.
To analyze your local risk level with Thermo®Plan, contact us!